Around the Rim: Web-News in Women's Basketball

We have collected news around the world of women's basketball you should be aware of both nationally and globally:

  • This date in history: Where were you when the announcement of the ABA declared there will be a women's division of their league? Announcement here:
  • iHoops is partnering with USA basketball and will integrate its programs and operations early 2013.  This move will help USA basketball reach even more younger people.  Find out the other opportunities this poses at:

Come Out To Lady Steam's Next Home Game!

The Lady Steam will take on Grand Rapids in their second game of the season in hopes of pushing their record to 2-0.

The game will be on January 13th, 2013 at 2:30pm at the University of Illinois Chicago Fieldhouse at 901 West Roosevelt Road Chicago, Illinois 60473.


Here's your chance to showcase your talents to Chicago and to be part of the Lady Steam team.

Below is how.

When: December 29th, 2012

Time: 3:00pm

Where:   University of Illinois at Chicago Fieldhouse 901 Roosevelt Road Chicago, Illinois 60473

Fee: $80.00


Your Home for the Chicago Lady Steam


All home games and practices are at:

University of Illinois At Chicago Field House

901 West Roosevelt Road

Chicago, Illinois 60473